Sunday, May 27, 2007

Shopautodotca Seocontest Day 3

Alrighty, I got a couple spare minutes today to work on this. Less than 15 to be exact so I'll make this extremely quick. I moved up 3 positions today so I'm now ranked #23 for the term Shopautodotca Seocontest. Cool cool, except that isn't the most important news on this contest today. Since it's technically day 2 in the index that means I'm close enough to the third indexed day to begin calculating my point of entry. The point of entry is the position you can place any given landing page (gateway page) in the index with only entry level promotion and within a given amount of time. My given amount of time of course is between 24-48 hours. The entry level promotion is the same promotion I did on this site between the time I made it and the time it showed up in the index. The point of entry is usually calculated to be between 5 positions ahead of where your currently at on the third day and 10 positions behind. So my point of entry would be between 23-5 and 23+10. So between positions 18 through 33. The midpoint being of course the average between the two. So my midpoint of entry would be about 25-26. We'll say 26 because I like to compensate for unforeseeable circumstances.

What do we do with this info? Well we'll have to create a few keyword real estate pages. Keyword Real Estate is where you create accounts on various places, just like Blogspot with your keywords in them, you throw up some landing pages and push link relevancy to your main site. First we'll need to know how many keyword real estate site's we'll need to get into the top 5 positions. This can be done through a simple formula I like to use. Granted, its not the most scientific of formulas but it's proven itself too often to discredit it.

The Formula
First, you take the avg inbound links of the top 5 sites and then you average them together. Here's what we got
Average: 2,318
Then you take that number and divide it by the difference between 100 and the entry midpoint determined above.
So the formula would be Top5avg/(100-Midpoint) = # of Keyword Real Estate Pages
So if our midpoint is 26 than the position difference in the 100 range would be 74. So our math would look like this 2,318/(100-74) = 31.32. I like to always round up on the first float point so that would make our total 32 sites.

Therefore I'll need create about 32 landing pages on various venues in order to break into the top 5. There is of course a deminishing factor which states that for every month it takes you to break into the top 5 than you will need to create about 10% more gateway sites. With the competitive nature of an SEO contest like Shopautodotca Seocontest of course I'd have to double that to 20%. Fortunately though the contest ends in only 2 week so I can assume 32-40 will suffice just fine.

So I'm off to create a few Keyword Real Estate Landing pages for my cars and auto parts SEO site. Have a great day! :)

1 comment:

Mimi Lenox said...
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